A Study of Applicability of ERA5 dataset for Nearshore Wave Simulation |
Donghwi Son, Jeseon Yoo, Hyunhwa Shin |
연안 파랑 수치모델링을 위한 심해파 ERA5 자료의 적용 가능성 연구 |
손동휘, 유제선, 신현화 |
Abstract |
"The purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of ERA5 reanalysis data to force nearshore wave model(SWAN) in Korea. A nearshore wave model was set up to simulate wave transformations in December 2016, in Ilsan beach located in Ilsan-dong, Ulsan Metropolitan City. The numerical results by ERA5 inputs were compared with the results by ERA-Interim inputs. The ERA5-based simulation results show better agreement with field observations than the ERA-Interim ones do. In addition, the wave model results have been improved by applying whitecapping empirical formulas of Rogers et al.(2012) among physical parameters." |
Key Words:
Wave model; Numerical simulation; SWAN; ERA5; Ilsan beach |