A Study on a Characteristics of Sediment Transport around Myeongseondo at Jinha Beach |
Sung-Yeol Jang, Sang-Min Cho, Won-Kyung Park, Hui-Tae Jeong |
진하해수욕장 명선도 주변의 표사이동특성 연구 |
장성열, 조상민, 박원경, 정희태 |
Abstract |
"In this study, we analyzed coastal topography change by beach survey nine times a year after installation of a sediment transport reduction facilities(ton-bag) on the sea between Jinha beach and Myeongseondo in order to investigate the cause of erosion on the Jinha beach and deposition on the Hoeya river estuary. Also, we selected the point of flow property on behind the Myeongseondo analyzing wave-induced current upon wave conditions using SWASH model. As a result, the characteristic of sediment transport at the Jinha beach was found as below : the transport from the South to the North is superior, whereupon deposition occurs continuously on the Hoeya river estuary and erosion occurs continuously on the Jinha beach. Furthermore, wave-induced current at behind the Myeongseondo shows different tendency depends on intensity of wave breaking due to complicated topographic characteristics even though it is same wave direction." |
Key Words:
Beach erosion; Deposition; Beach survey; Swash model; Wave-induced current |