Validation of MetOp-B and Jason-2 Sea Surface Wind Data |
Donghwi Son, Kicheon Jun, Jae-Seol Shim, Jae-il Kown, Jeseon Yoo |
한반도 주변 해역에서의 MetOp-B와 Jason-2 인공위성 해상풍 검증 |
손동휘, 전기천, 심재설, 권재일, 유제선 |
Abstract |
In the last few decades, many studies on estimation of sea surface winds using satellites have been increasingly carried out with advancement of remote sensing technology. In prior to the use of satellite data for physical analysis, validation and calibration of the satellite raw data should be conducted. Most of the previous validation studies have mainly focused on the offshore data which were collected 50km or more away from the coastline. This is to remove the effect of land interference from the radar signal data. In this study, a method of validating wind speed data based on wind direction is proposed to improve the validation, in particular, for the satellite data collected in coastal area, intending to enhance the utilization of the satellite data which is adjacent to the land. MetOp-B and Jason-2 data were considered as satellite dataset. For the validation of the satellite data, the in-situ measurements from Korea Meteorological Administration(KMA) and Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency(KHOA) were used. Reduced Major Axis(RMA) regression method was applied as regression analysis between the satellite wind data and in-situ measurements. As a general results, when wind speeds with wind directions from the offshore were compared between the satellite and in-situ buoy data, the correlations were higher and the root mean square errors were lower compared to the wind blows from the land. |
Key Words:
Satellite; MetOp-B; Jason-2; Sea surface wind; Validation |