Economic Feasibility on Construction of Offshore Final Disposal Facility |
Myounghak Oh, Osoon Kwon, Se-Hun Park, Sejun Jin, Young-Min Oh |
해상 최종처분장 조성의 경제성 분석 |
오명학, 권오순, 박세헌, 진세준, 오영민 |
Abstract |
The demand on the final disposal facility will be continued during human activity lasted since final disposal is landfilling. It is time to consider the offshore final disposal landfill as a alternative for waste disposal issue because current capacity of waste landfill is not sufficient and thus the construction of new landfill is required. The offshore final disposal landfill can be created large scale and have a great advantage which is create a new land in ocean space, although the initial construction cost of offshore landfill is higher than that of onshore landfill. In order to construct and operate the offshore final disposal landfill successfully in near future, economic feasibility on the construction of offshore disposal facility was performed. Economic feasibility analysis showed that benefit-cost(B/C) ratio is 1.38 in case of assuming the disposal charge of offshore disposal facility is same value of Japan. |
Key Words:
Offshore disposal facility; Economic feasibility; disposal charge; B/C ratio |