Characteristics of Marine Sediments and Contamination-cleanup Index of Jangsaengpo Port in Ulsan, Korea |
Minseok Son, Byungsoon Jung, Jae-seoung Ok |
장생포항 해저퇴적물의 특성 및 오염정화·복원지수 산출 연구 |
손민석, 정병순, 옥재승 |
Abstract |
To calculate the contamination-cleanup index in Marine sediments of Jangsaengpo port, taken samples to a depth of 60 cm using gravity core, and were measured eutrophication-related items for heavy metals and persistent toxic substances. Marine sediment pollution purification purify index of eutrophication index (EI index) was calculated as three items of eutrophication-related COD, AVS, IL, purification of hazardous chemicals, to restore index (CI index) heavy metals and persistent toxic substances 8 big-items, 21 detail-items (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: PAHs 16 items) was calculated by the analysis. Jangsaengpo port protest purifying contaminated sediment, to restore index calculation result EI index 6~15, CI index indicated a high value marine pollution, sediment purification, restoration standard of EI index of 6 or 1.01~9.79, CI index by more than 2 greater than most appeared. Items on the highest impact on the EI index is COD, CI index was analyzed that the biggest impact of the heavy metals of Ni. Jangsaengpo port appeared to restore vertical sediment remediation of index calculation results up to a depth of about 60cm in low-rise sediment restoration and purification needed in almost all area. |
Key Words:
Jangseangpo; Sediments; Eutrophication; Hazardous Substance Contamination-cleanup index |