A Numerical Simulation on Delay Time of Tsunami Propagation due to Permeable Submerged Breakwater |
Dong-Soo Hur, Woo-Dong Lee, Byeong-Jin Jang |
투과성 잠제에 의한 쓰나미의 전파시간 지연에 관한 수치모의 |
허동수, 이우동, 장병진 |
Abstract |
In order to analysis the delay times of tsunami propagation due to the crown depths of a permeable submerged breakwater, a numerical wave tank(LES-WASS-3D; Lee et al., 2014) with non-reflected wave generation system of tsunami(solitary wave) was used in this study. Then, the model were compared with Fenton’s theoretical wave celerity(3rd-solitary wave theory) for its verification. The numerical simulations have been carried out to understand the delay times of tsunami propagation with various rations of crown depth to incident wave height. It is shown that the delay times by permeable submerged breakwater is 0.3~0.65sec smaller than wave transmission through flat bottom because of tsunami energy loss inside the porous media. In addition, the simulation results due to variation of crown depths show the wave attenuation up to 24~68% at 2Leff(effective wave length) away from the breakwater. |
Key Words:
LES-WASS-3D; Tsunami; Solitary wave; Delay time; Permeable submerged breakwater |