Importance of Inter-disciplinary Environmental Studies on Coastal Disasters -Lessons from 2011 East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami- |
Nam-Il Won, Sang-Jin Lee |
연안재해가 연안환경에 미치는 영향과 학제간 환경연구의 중요성 |
원남일, 이상진 |
Abstract |
"In this study, coastal ecosystem research on coastal disasters was shortly reviewed in terms of recent international publications and case studies of the 2011 East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami. Several keywords such as ecosystem, resilience, and tsunami were analyzed from recent 20-years publications in Web of Science. Most recent 10-year studies covered more than 90% of entire related studies. Tsunami and resilience were also importantly regarded in world leading journals such as Nature and Science, recently. The dramatic effects of the 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami were found from various coastal systems of human dimension of villages, natural dimension of marine ecosystem, and research area such as coastal research facilities. The following international cooperative studies have been reporting both local and international marine effects of Fukushima-driven radionuclides as well as tsunami-driven debris. The on-going after-tsunami research projects are initiated to reveal the fluctuation and restoration process of coastal complex ecosystem and to provide sound environmental basis for possible socio-economic decision making such as resilient coastal system. This short review is expected to provide the most recent example to organize the future interdisciplinary research program for coastal disaster and environmental resilience in Korea." |
Key Words:
Coastal disaster; Environmental studies; Tsunami; Interdisciplinary; Ecosystem resilience |