Estimation of the Depth of Closure Using the Long Term Wave Climate Statistics near Gangnueng Port |
Ha nuel Kang, Byung cheol Oh, In sik Chun |
장기파랑 산출자료를 이용한 강릉항 일대의 이동한계수심 산정 |
강하늘, 오병철, 전인식 |
Abstract |
Depth of closure (DOC) is an important value in setting the offshore boundary of a littoral cell. In this study, we calculated the DOC using the long term wave climate statistics near Gangnueng Port and analyzed changes in DOC with respect to the depth of wave calculation and grain size. The results showed that the depth of wave calculation generally can be set to 15m and the depth of closure set 13.31m when size of grain is 0.30mm. |
Key Words:
DOC; Depth of closure; Long term wave climate statistics; Regional sediment management |